Appels à projets annuels CEBA
Le Labex CEBA ouvre chaque année un appel à projets concurrentiel afin d’encourager une recherche innovante sur la biodiversité en Guyane française. Les projets sont évalués par le Conseil scientifique et par des examinateurs externes.
L’appel à projets 2025 est lancé !
Pour soumettre votre projet, merci de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous :
Date limite d’envoi des dossiers : 17 février 2025
Projets financés en 2024
- PHILODOUR – Reproductive isolation in sympatric Philodendron species. PIs : Mélanie MCCLURE (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane Française)
- LIDL – Study of liana dynamics at Nouragues research station: the case of « Grand Plateau » L strip. Pls : Julien ENGEL / Grégoire VINCENT (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- VERTIGO – Using electrical resistivity tomography for mapping below ground root zone in mangroves of French Guiana. Pls : Romain Walcker (CRBE, Toulouse, France)
- EXPAND – EXPloring Angélique diversity to understand climate change Adaptation and Natural Dispersal. Pls : Julien BONNIER / Myriam HEUERTZ (BIOGECO, Bordeaux, France)
- TAMANDUA – Integrated validation of innovative monitoring methods to estimate wildlife densities at the Nouragues Nature Reserve. Pls : Cécile Rd-HANSEN / Marijke VAN KUIJK (ECOFOG, Kourou, Guyane Française)
- MicroEPiN – Exploring the hidden microbial communities and their role in N2 fixation in vascular epiphytes. Pls : Céline LEROY (CRBE, Toulouse, France)
- PASTeDNA – Sedimentary ancient DNA as a proxy of Pleistocene–Holocene French Guiana animal and plant biodiversity. Pls : Christelle TOUGARD (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- GEMEPATES – GEnomic and MEtabolomic approaches for determining the PAThogenicity of Environmental and clinical fungi of the Scedosporium genus. Pls : Véronique Eparvier – (ICSN, Gif sur Yvette, France)
- AMATAC – The evolutionary relationship between the monocarpic tree genus Tachigali, polypore fungus Amauroderma, and N fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium. Pls : Claire FORTUNEL (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- FertiSoilTree-GHG – Long-term nutrient addition effect on soil and tree stem greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in tropical primary forests. Pls : Laetitia BRECHET (EcoFoG, Kourou, Guyane française)
- LEKDNA – Local Ecological Knowledge and environmental DNA, an interdisciplinary approach to biodiversity inventories in French Guiana. Pls : Sébastien BROSSE / Opale COUTANT (CRBE, Toulouse, France)
Projets financés en 2023
- VIVIANE – Diving into the virome of the French Guianan mangrove. Pls : Yvan BETTAREL (MARBEC, Montpellier, France ; EDB, Toulouse, France)
- MICROMETER – Using Mobile LiDAR Scanning to characterise the micro-environment of tropical forest understorey. Pls : Vincyane BADOUARD (AMAP, Montpellier, France ; EcoFoG, Kourou, Guyane Française)
- AMPHYL – Phylogenomics of a rapid Amazonian diversification (Rhinella margaritifera species group, Anura). Pls : Antoine FOUQUET (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- EPI-ROOTS – Strategies of root attachment and nutrition mechanisms of vascular epiphytes. Pls : Céline LEROY (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- TESTIMONY – Determining the origin of Tacamaque essencEs Samples from François TillequIn Museum collectiON using integrative mass spectrometrY approaches. Pls : Véronique EPARVIER (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- VIRINEX – Testing the impact of the Viriome on invasion and extinction dynamics in Amazonian Drosophila flies. Pls : Wolfgang MILLER ; Mathieu Chouteau (Medical University of Vienna, Vienne, Autriche ; LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane Française)
- AQUASOUND – Hydroacoustic for the monitoring of freshwater biodiversity in French Guiana. Pls : Jérôme MURIENNE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- TroSafe – Tropical safety margins. Pls : Clément STAHL (EcoFoG, Kourou, Guyane Française)
- ANDIVE – Neogene bioDIVErsity upheaval in the Central ANDes of Bolivia: a response to Andean uplift and climate changes between 23 and 2.6 million years. Pls : Séverine FAUQUETTE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- BAMAR-1 – Searching for the animal reservoir of the newly discovered zoonotic species Brucella amazoniensis in French Guiana – Step 1 : molecular screening of biological collections. Pls : Benoit DE THOISY (IPG, Cayenne, Guyane Française)
- Airfungui – Airborne fungi of French Guiana: biodiversity, seasonal dynamics, and influence of abiotic factors. Pls : Magali PIERRE-DEMAR (TBIP, Cayenne, Guyane Française)
- PITNIC – Predatory insects’ trophic niche. Pls : Jérôme ORIVEL (EcoFoG, Kourou, Guyane Française)
- CABT – Testing the mechanism of a convergent anti-bat trait. Pls : Jesse BARBER (Boise State University, Boise, États-Unis)
- TREEPOL – Crossing tree abundance and pollen data to reconstruct the past biotic corridors between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest. Pls : Marie-Pierre LEDRU (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
Projets financés en 2022
- MELACACIA – Connaissances écologiques locales et usages du Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) et de l’Acacia mangium par les habitants des savanes de l’Ouest guyanais. Pls : Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane française)
- FELIPS – Feline EcoLogy In French Guiana: a Participatory Science approach. Pls : Niklas TYSKLIND (ECOFOG, Kourou, Guyane française)
- HAFF – L’Herbier au fil du fleuve. Pls : Sophie GONZALEZ (AMAP, Cayenne, Guyane française)
Projets financés en 2021
- ANNONA – Combining chemical and genomics levels to decipher acetogenins production in Annona species. Pls : David TOUBOUL (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- DRYER – Drought resilience in seasonally flooded forests. Pls : Marion Boisseaux (ECOFOG, Kourou, Guyane française)
- ENDOSHIFT – Successional patterns of endophytic bacteria and fungi over plant ontogeny. Pls : Tristant LAFONT RAPNOUIL (AMAP, Kourou, Guyane française)
- ForHunt – Forest hunting pressure interaction with forest logging over the north of French Guiana: a GPS tracking survey coupled with a spatialized bioeconomic modelling. Pls : Guillaume SALZET (BETA, Nancy, France et ECOFOG, Kourou, Guyane française)
- GENA – Genomics of ENdotrophy in Amphibians. Pls : Antoine FOUQUET (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- OrA – Origin and Adaptation of parasites to new environments: the case of monkey malarial agents in French Guiana. Pls : Virginie ROUGERON (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
- PAMELA – Deciphering the coastal pathobiome in French Guiana coastaL WATERS. Pls : Jean-Christophe AUGUET (MARBEC, Montpellier, France)
- TIMESPAN – A first glimpse into Pleistocene ecosystems of French Guiana. Pls : Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
Projets financés en 2020 (consulter les résumés)
- ANOMALO – Analyses préliminaires à l’élaboration d’un Plan National d’Action pour les Anomaloglossus du groupe degranvillei. Pls : Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane française)
- DARKSOUND – Les sons des oiseaux de la pénombre tropicale : l’écoacoustique comme aide au diagnostic patrimonial et écologique. Pls : Christophe THEBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, Guyane française)
- eBREVE – Education à la Biodiversité par la Réalité Virtuelle. Pls : Frédéric PETITCLERC (ECOFOG, Kourou, Guyane française)
- INDIC – Proposition de «trousse d’indicateurs écosystémiques» à destination des espaces naturels forestiers de Guyane. Pls : Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane française)
- IQCN – Identifier la faune aquatique et Quantifier l’abondance des espèces en danger dans les cours d’eau de Guyane : des enjeux forts pour la Conservation de la Nature. Pls : Sébastien Brosse (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- KALALOU – Le rapport à la biodiversité végétale dans les cultures Afro-américaines de Guyane. Pls : Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane française)
- Ti Sciences M.A.G – Le petit journal des sciencesmade in Amazonie et en Guyane en particulier, ou la biodiversité amazonienne expliquée aux 8-12 ans. Pls : Agathe COUTEL (LEEISA, Cayenne, Guyane française)
Projets financés en 2019 (consulter les résumés)
- DartFrog – The evolution and maintenance of ecotypism in a changing world: the case of the poison dart frog Dendrobates tinctorius. PIs: Mathieu CHOUTEAU (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Charles PERRIER (CEFE, Montpellier, France)
- DeepRoot – Into the deep: exploring root distribution and function in tropical forests. PIs: Claire FORTUNEL & Isabelle MARÉCHAUX (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- GeoLaw – GIS modeling of spatial tensions for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Amazonia. PIs: Luly FISHER, Lise TUPIASSU & Jean-Raphaël GROS-DÉSORMEAUX (LC2S, Schoelcher, Martinique) & José BENATTI (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
- MultiMyco – Multiscale determinants of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. PIs: Francis Q. BREARLEY (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) & Mélanie ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- NSC-Focus – Non-stuctural carbohydrates and tree functional groups in the context of forest succession. PI: Alexia STOKES (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- NurseHab – Characterisation of near-shore habitats as nurseries for fish and shrimp communities. PI: Morgana TAGLIAROLO (LEEISA, Cayenne, France)
- PEPINO – Historical genomics of long-term people-palm interactions in the Neotropics. PIs: Louise BROUSSEAU (DIADE, Montpellier, France) & Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- PlastiPhys – Plasticity in physiological capacity and thermoregulatory behaviour as adaptive responses to climate change. PI: Donald B. MILES (Ohio University, USA & SETE, Moulis, France)
- RareTree – Eco-evolutionary implications of commonness vs. rarity in Amazonian tree congeners. PI: Myriam HEUERTZ (BIOGECO, Cestas, France)
Projets financés en 2018 (consulter les résumés)
- BORDER – Research on the biosynthetic origin of macrocyclic diterpenes of Euphorbiaceae – plants and/or endophytes? PI: Véronique ÉPARVIER (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- BROWSE – Browsing in treefall gaps: cross-interactions between large-bodied browsers and forest regeneration in French Guiana forests. PI: Cécile RICHARD-HANSEN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- BRYOTROP – Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the epiphytic bryosphere in a tropical rainforest. PI: Vincent JASSEY (ECOLAB, Toulouse, France)
- CANO4D-CAL – Dense canopy characterisation using coupled airborne and ground LiDAR, and implications for canopy monitoring over time. PI: Nicolas BARBIER (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- CASMA – Comparative phylogenomic approach to study the origin of butterfly mimetism in Amazonia. PI: Fabien CONDAMINE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- DIGS – Diversification of an ancient Guiana Shield lineage of fossorial frogs. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- DREAM – Drought recovery mechanisms in a tropical forest. PI: Megan BARTLETT (Princeton University, USA)
- PIXIE – Bordered pits provide a mechanistic understanding of embolism resistance in branch and leaf xylem of tropical rainforest trees from French Guiana. PI: Patrick HEURET (AMAP, Montpellier, France) & Steven JANSEN (Institute Systematics Botany and Ecology, Ulm University, Germany)
- POLYMIM – The ecological and genomic basis of polymorphic mimicry in Heliconius butterflies. PI: Mathieu CHOUTEAU (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- RESERVOIRS – The role of Neotropical birds as potential reservoirs of infectious diseases. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- SYMBIOSYNTHESIS – Bacterial defensive symbionts associated with ants in Amazonia: evolutionary and ecological factors impacting the diversity of bacterial genes in the biosynthesis of polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides. PI: Christophe DUPLAIS (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana) & Corrie MOREAU (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA)
Projets financés en 2017 (consulter les résumés)
- CAECILISKIN – Secretomes and microbiomes of Caecilian skin. PI: Mark WILKINSON (The Natural History Museum, UK)
- CALL – Estimating the effects of climate changes on calling behaviour of tropical amphibians. PI: Élodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Diego LLUISA (MNHN, Paris, France)
- DYSINVITE – Dysbiosis induction in Aedes aegypti to reduce virus transmission efficacy: from natural microbiome diversity to lab experiments. PI: Isabelle DUSFOUR (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- FUNNET – The influence of fungal networks on interactions among adult trees and seedlings. PI: Irene RAMIREZ ROJAS (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
- ID-LINK – Infectious disease and individual contributions to connecting ecological networks. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- MICRODYN – Microbiome dynamics of Drosophila in the Amazon and their changes upon lab selection. PI: Wolfgang J. MILLER (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
- PARASITROP – Variation in the diversity of parasite community between tropical and temperate bird species, and its relationship to host life history and ecology. PI: Jérôme MOREAU (University of Burgundi, Dijon, France)
- PIRACUCU – Is the bony‐tongue fish Arapaima (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) really a monotypic genus? PI: Christelle TOUGARD (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- POSTWEBS – Post-disturbance resilience of food webs and ecosystem multifunctionality along a gradient of simulated drought. PI: Céline LEROY (AMAP, Montpellier, France) & Régis CÉRÉGHINO (ECOLAB, Toulouse, France)
- SBOTA – Systematics and biogeography of the Slender-legged tree frog (Osteocephalus taurinus) species complex in Amazonia. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, France) & Diego ORTIZ (College of Engineering, Australia)
- SENSODIR – The sense of directions: sensory ecology and navigation in the rainforest. PI: Andrius PASUKONIS (Harvard University, USA) & Max RINGLER (University of California, USA) & Maxime GARCIA (ENS, Lyon, France)
- SEVADICOSASA – Seasonal variations in diterpenoid composition of Sandwithia guyanensis Lanj. and Sagotia racemosa Baill. PI: Marc LITAUDON (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- VERTIGE – Vertical stratification and functioning of the fungal and bacterial microbial communities in the canopy of a tropical rainforest. PI: Heidy SCHIMANN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
Projets financés en 2016 (consulter les résumés)
- AIRDNA – DNA from air for biodiversity surveys. PI: Pierre TABERLET (LECA, Grenoble, France)
- COLLEVOL – Testing collective evolution in Neotropical trees. PI: Myriam HEUERTZ (BIOGECO, Cestas, France)
- DRAGON – The role of colouration in structuring dragonfly communities. PI: Julien RENOULT (ACTE, Paris, France)
- EVA – Evolutionary venomics of ants. PI: Niklas TYSKLIND (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- GUMDROP – Disentangling the factors shaping gut microbiota diversity across arthropod predators. PI: David DUNEAU & Lucie ZINGER (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- HUMMAL – Cascading effects of hummingbird malaria across multilayer ecological networks. PI:Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- MITICK – Microbial community structures in French Guiana ticks: a multi-level study of their origin, diversity and drivers. PI: Olivier DURON (UMR MIVEGEC, Montpellier)
- SOIL – Soil responses to drought and nutrients. PI: Clement STAHL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana) & Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- SOURCE – Seeking the sources of terrestrial biodiversity in French Guiana by enhancing the fossil record. PI: Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- SVELTBUG – Mechanisms underlying the evolution of an exaggerated sex-specific trait. PI: Abderrahman KHILA (ENS, Lyon, France
Projets financés en 2015 (consulter les résumés)
- DILATE – Diversity of latex properties in French Guianan trees. PI: Yannick ESTEVEZ & Christopher BARALOTO (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- ERH – Parasites, disease and the global spread of cane toads: how do parasites impact amphibian health and biological invasions? PI: Crystal GRAHAM (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama)
- FUN-BROM – Are bromeliad roots absorptive? A Preliminary study on fungal association in bromeliads. PI: Céline LEROY (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- GUEPES – The Guianese evolutionary project on economics for social insects. PI: Seirian SUMNER (University of Bristol, UK)
- LEAFMINE – Is ecological speciation a major driver of diversification in tropical leaf‐mining insects? PI: Jérôme MURIENNE & Carlos LOPEZ -VAAMONDE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- ORGY – Sound of orgy: the acoustics of Amazonian explosive breeding amphibians. PI Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- PRIMEWEB – Predicting the spread of infectious mycobacteria communities among French Guiana food web. PI: Rodolphe GOZLAN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
- TATU2 – Integrating state-of-the-art genomic and morphological tools to disentangle the biogeography of the long-nosed armadillo species complex (genus Dasypus). PI: Frédéric DELSUC (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- TIGERAMAZON – Risk assessment of the emergence of zoonotic viruses as a result of the invasion of Ae. albopictus in the Amazonian rainforest. PI: Christophe PAUPY (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
- TROCSYMB – Diversity, distribution and host specificity of three model symbionts in hummingbirds. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- UACEF – Undergrowth acoustic communication of “earless” frogs. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- WILT – Validating methods for quantifying the drought response of tropical trees and implications for modelling. PI: Isabelle MARÉCHAUX (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- WOODUSES – Traditional knowledge and technological properties of construction timbers in French Guiana: from old knowledge to new uses. PI: Jacques BEAUCHENE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
Projets financés en 2014 (consulter les résumés)
- ANTPEP – Ant nesting habits impact on venom peptide activities. PI: Alain DEJEAN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- CAMO – Camouflage of conspicuous signals in the Dendrobatidae poison frogs. PI: Innes CUTHILL (University of Bristol, UK)
- COMPAREBIRDS – Comparative analysis of physiology and parasitism of Neotropical birds. PI: Philipp HEEB (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- ECOGENHEL – Ecological genomics of species divergence in Heliconius butterflies. PI: Brian COUNTERMAN (Mississippi State University, USA)
- HYDROSTAT – Hydraulics and sap of trees from the Amazonian tropics. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France) & Louis SANTIAGO (University College Riverside, USA)
- IMMUNOPRIM – Adaptation at innate immune genes in primates: divergence and polymorphism in New World monkeys. PI: Emilie LECOMPTE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- MONISPEC – Monitoring incipient speciation of Drosophila in Amazonia. PI: Wolfgang J. MILLER (University of Vienna, Austria)
- MUSTARD – Gene flow and riverine barriers in the Guiana Shield: a multitaxon test across the Oyapock river. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Luciano NAKA (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil)
- PLASMODYNEVOL – The adaptive value of a novel marker of drug susceptibility in Amazonian Plasmodium falciparum parasites. PI: Stéphane PELLEAU & Lise MUSSET (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- PRONUT – Reconsidering protective ant‐plant mutualisms from a nutritional perspective. PI: Jérôme ORIVEL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- TATU – Integrating state‐of‐the‐art genomic and morphological tools to disentangle the biogeography of the long‐nosed armadillo species complex (genus Dasypus). PI: Frédéric DELSUC (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
- TRYPSHIELD – Evolutionary history of mammal‐trypanosome associations in the Guiana Shield. PI: Miguel PINTO (American Museum of Natural History, USA)
Projets financés en 2013 (consulter les résumés)
- AMAVAX – Polymorphism of P. vivax in two Amazonian areas and relation with the G6PD genotype of host populations. PI: Mathieu NACHER (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- AMAZING – Prevailing parasitic diseases in Amazonia: an integrated approach for the rationalisation of medicinal plant uses in French Guiana. PI: Emeline HOUËL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- BIOVIRO – Viral biodiversity in rodents communities in French Guiana. PI: Anne LAVERGNE (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- CANOPOR – Short term tropical forest canopy dynamics unveiled by airborne LiDAR scanning. PI: Grégoire VINCENT (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- CECRODIV – Species delimitation within the Neotropical genus Cecropia in French Guiana: integrating morphological and molecular techniques. PI: Patrick HEURET (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- DRAMA – Drought and mortality in Amazonian forests. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France) & Louis SANTIAGO (University College Riverside, USA)
- ECOGEOCHIM – Ecological cycling and metal hyperaccumulation in plants of French Guiana. PI: Jérôme CHAVE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- EDEN – Aposematic polymorphism in the dyeing poison frog (Dendrobates tinctorius): a model vertebrate for the study of selection and speciation. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Brice P. NOONAN (University of Mississippi, USA)
- FRESH – Mega measure of freshwater biodiversity: implications in our understanding of infectious disease emergence. PI: Rodolphe GOZLAN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
- FUNGROWTH – Seasonal variations in tree growth and functioning. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France)
- GENEVIL – A first genetic study of the RNA virus associated with Leishmania guyanensis and its role on clinical pleiomorphism of human leishmaniases in French Guiana. PI: Ghislaine PREVOT (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- MYCOWAC – Impact of fungal communities on the regeneration of a Guianese species Vouacapoua americana (Aublet). PI: Stéphane TRAISSAC (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- NEMAZON – Spatial and temporal patterns of species and genetic diversity of Amazonian Caenorhabditis nematodes. PI: Christian BRAENDLE (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France)
- PEBAS – Do extant plants support past marine incursions in Amazonia? PI: Christine D. BACON (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- PPAR – Phthalate pollution in an Amazon rainforest. PI: Alain LENOIR (Université François Rabelais, Tours, France)
- SCANDD – Species coexistence and negative density dependence in tropical rain forests. PI: C.E. Timothy PAINE (University of Stirling, UK)
- TEKOBOTANY – Introduction to the Teko ethnobotany. PI: Damien DAVY (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- TROPINSPIRE – Tropical rainforest plants as concept generators for biomimetics research. PI: Nick ROWE (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
- VARDIVERGE – Do patterns of phenotypic variation within species help explain divergence across species in morphology and performance in frogs? PI: Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- VECHAG – Biodiversity of the vectors of Chagas disease in French Guiana. PI: Jean-Pierre DUJARDIN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
- VISUALFACT – Is the visual fluorescence a relevant signal in the communication between Mimosa pudica and Ministrymon azia: an interspecific experimental study. PI: Christophe DUPLAIS (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- WORMBANK – DNA barcoding earthworms in biodiversity hot spots of French Guiana. PI: Virginie ROY (BIOEMCO, Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)
Projets financés en 2012 (consulter les résumés)
- ARTHROPODES – Biodiversity, biogeography and chemical ecology of Arthropods of French Guiana. PI: Jérôme MURIENNE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- CECROPIAE – Development of informatic tools (i) for taxonomic recognition and (ii) for entry of architectural data dedicated to the tribe of Cecropieae (Urticaceae). PI: Patrick HEURET (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- CHRYSOBALANACEAE – Transcriptomic in the service of the biogeography study of a family of Neotropical plants. PI: Jérôme CHAVE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- DEFIS – Delimitation of interfertile species and reconstruction of speciation scenarii. PI: Caroline SCOTTI-SAINTAGNE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- FUNGUY – Study of fungal diversity in French Guiana. PI: Mélanie ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- GESTE – Structuration and dynamic of the genomic diversity of ecologically contrasted species and populations. PI: Ivan SCOTTI (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- GUYA-E-MISSION – Methane and carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions from tropical forest as a function of biodiversity, land use and deforestation age: multi-site observations, regional modelling and management implications. PI: Lukas SIEBICKE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- HISTOPLASMA – Infestation of bats by Histoplasma capsulatum in French Guiana. PI: Bernard CARME (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- ONTOFUN – Does ontogeny influence species functional strategy across habitats and climate gradients in Amazonian forests? PI: Claire FORTUNEL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
- PALICOUREA-CROCEA – Chemotaxonomy of the Palicourea crocea complex. PI: Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- POISSONS – Phylogenetic diversity of freshwater fish assemblies in French Guiana. PI: Sébastien BROSSE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- PRIMATES – Evolutionnary genetic of Amazonian monkeys: diversification, adaptation and coevolution between Herpes virus and primates. PI: Brigitte CROAU-ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
- SALMONELLES – Study of the domestic and peri-domestic transmission of Salmonellas in French Guiana, of their reservoirs and of their specific diversity. PI: Franck BERGER (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- TRACHYCEPHALUS – Evolution of chemical defences of amphibians: a case study of the genus Trachycephalus. PI: Philippe GAUCHER (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
- TRI-NUTRI – Tripartite associations and nutrition in plants. PI: Céline LEROY (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)