Annual project

The Annual Call for proposal 2021

In 2021, the CEBA annual call for projects will support frontier research on biodiversity in Amazonia, with a focus on French Guiana.

Please send your project as a single PDF file to Laetitia Plaisance by Monday April 5th, 2021 – 12:00 Cayenne Time (17:00 CET). Download guideline and form ici.

The Labex CEBA opens an annual competitive call for proposals to encourage innovative research on biodiversity in French Guiana. Projects are evaluated by the Scientific Board and by external referees.

Projects funded in 2020 (see the abstracts)
  • ANOMALO – Analyses préliminaires à l’élaboration d’un Plan National d’Action pour les Anomaloglossus du groupe degranvillei
  • DARKSOUND – Les sons des oiseaux de la pénombre tropicale : l’écoacoustique comme aide au diagnostic patrimonial et écologique
  • eBREVE – Education à la Biodiversité par la Réalité Virtuelle
  • INDIC – Proposition de «trousse d’indicateurs écosystémiques» à destination des espaces naturels forestiers de Guyane
  • IQCN – Identifier la faune aquatique et Quantifier l’abondance des espèces en danger dans les cours d’eau de Guyane : des enjeux forts pour la Conservation de la Nature
  • KALALOU – Le rapport à la biodiversité végétale dans les cultures Afro-américaines de Guyane
  • Ti Sciences M.A.G – Le petit journal des sciencesmade in Amazonie et en Guyane en particulier, ou la biodiversité amazonienne expliquée aux 8-12 ans
Projects funded in 2019 (see the abstracts)
  • DartFrog – The evolution and maintenance of ecotypism in a changing world: the case of the poison dart frog Dendrobates tinctorius. PIs: Mathieu CHOUTEAU (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Charles PERRIER (CEFE, Montpellier, France)
  • DeepRoot – Into the deep: exploring root distribution and function in tropical forests. PIs: Claire FORTUNEL & Isabelle MARÉCHAUX (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • GeoLaw – GIS modeling of spatial tensions for biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Amazonia. PIs: Luly FISHER, Lise TUPIASSU & Jean-Raphaël GROS-DÉSORMEAUX (LC2S, Schoelcher, Martinique) & José BENATTI (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
  • MultiMyco – Multiscale determinants of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. PIs: Francis Q. BREARLEY (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) & Mélanie ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • NSC-Focus – Non-stuctural carbohydrates and tree functional groups in the context of forest succession. PI: Alexia STOKES (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • NurseHab – Characterisation of near-shore habitats as nurseries for fish and shrimp communities. PI: Morgana TAGLIAROLO (LEEISA, Cayenne, France)
  • PEPINO – Historical genomics of long-term people-palm interactions in the Neotropics. PIs: Louise BROUSSEAU (DIADE, Montpellier, France) & Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • PlastiPhys – Plasticity in physiological capacity and thermoregulatory behaviour as adaptive responses to climate change. PI: Donald B. MILES (Ohio University, USA & SETE, Moulis, France)
  • RareTree – Eco-evolutionary implications of commonness vs. rarity in Amazonian tree congeners. PI: Myriam HEUERTZ (BIOGECO, Cestas, France)
Projects funded in 2018 (see the abstracts)
  • BORDER – Research on the biosynthetic origin of macrocyclic diterpenes of Euphorbiaceae – plants and/or endophytes? PI: Véronique ÉPARVIER (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
  • BROWSE – Browsing in treefall gaps: cross-interactions between large-bodied browsers and forest regeneration in French Guiana forests. PI: Cécile RICHARD-HANSEN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • BRYOTROP – Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the epiphytic bryosphere in a tropical rainforest. PI: Vincent JASSEY (ECOLAB, Toulouse, France)
  • CANO4D-CAL – Dense canopy characterisation using coupled airborne and ground LiDAR, and implications for canopy monitoring over time. PI: Nicolas BARBIER (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • CASMA – Comparative phylogenomic approach to study the origin of butterfly mimetism in Amazonia. PI: Fabien CONDAMINE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • DIGS – Diversification of an ancient Guiana Shield lineage of fossorial frogs. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • DREAM – Drought recovery mechanisms in a tropical forest. PI: Megan BARTLETT (Princeton University, USA)
  • PIXIE – Bordered pits provide a mechanistic understanding of embolism resistance in branch and leaf xylem of tropical rainforest trees from French Guiana. PI: Patrick HEURET (AMAP, Montpellier, France) & Steven JANSEN (Institute Systematics Botany and Ecology, Ulm University, Germany)
  • POLYMIM – The ecological and genomic basis of polymorphic mimicry in Heliconius butterflies. PI: Mathieu CHOUTEAU (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • RESERVOIRS – The role of Neotropical birds as potential reservoirs of infectious diseases. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  • SYMBIOSYNTHESIS – Bacterial defensive symbionts associated with ants in Amazonia: evolutionary and ecological factors impacting the diversity of bacterial genes in the biosynthesis of polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides. PI: Christophe DUPLAIS (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana) & Corrie MOREAU (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA)
Projects funded in 2017 (see the abstracts)
  • CAECILISKIN – Secretomes and microbiomes of Caecilian skin. PI: Mark WILKINSON (The Natural History Museum, UK)
  • CALL – Estimating the effects of climate changes on calling behaviour of tropical amphibians. PI: Élodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Diego LLUISA (MNHN, Paris, France)
  • DYSINVITE – Dysbiosis induction in Aedes aegypti to reduce virus transmission efficacy: from natural microbiome diversity to lab experiments. PI: Isabelle DUSFOUR (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • FUNNET – The influence of fungal networks on interactions among adult trees and seedlings. PI: Irene RAMIREZ ROJAS (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • ID-LINK – Infectious disease and individual contributions to connecting ecological networks. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  • MICRODYN – Microbiome dynamics of Drosophila in the Amazon and their changes upon lab selection. PI: Wolfgang J. MILLER (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
  • PARASITROP – Variation in the diversity of parasite community between tropical and temperate bird species, and its relationship to host life history and ecology. PI: Jérôme MOREAU (University of Burgundi, Dijon, France)
  • PIRACUCU – Is the bony‐tongue fish Arapaima (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) really a monotypic genus? PI: Christelle TOUGARD (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • POSTWEBS – Post-disturbance resilience of food webs and ecosystem multifunctionality along a gradient of simulated drought. PI: Céline LEROY (AMAP, Montpellier, France) & Régis CÉRÉGHINO (ECOLAB, Toulouse, France)
  • SBOTA – Systematics and biogeography of the Slender-legged tree frog (Osteocephalus taurinus) species complex in Amazonia. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, France) & Diego ORTIZ (College of Engineering, Australia)
  • SENSODIR – The sense of directions: sensory ecology and navigation in the rainforest. PI: Andrius PASUKONIS (Harvard University, USA) & Max RINGLER (University of California, USA) &  Maxime GARCIA (ENS, Lyon, France)
  • SEVADICOSASA – Seasonal variations in diterpenoid composition of Sandwithia guyanensis Lanj. and Sagotia racemosa Baill. PI: Marc LITAUDON (ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
  • VERTIGE – Vertical stratification and functioning of the fungal and bacterial microbial communities in the canopy of a tropical rainforest. PI: Heidy SCHIMANN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
Projects funded in 2016 (see the abstracts)
  • AIRDNA – DNA from air for biodiversity surveys. PI: Pierre TABERLET (LECA, Grenoble, France)
  • COLLEVOL – Testing collective evolution in Neotropical trees. PI: Myriam HEUERTZ (BIOGECO, Cestas, France)
  • DRAGON – The role of colouration in structuring dragonfly communities. PI: Julien RENOULT (ACTE, Paris, France)
  • EVA – Evolutionary venomics of ants. PI: Niklas TYSKLIND (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • GUMDROP – Disentangling the factors shaping gut microbiota diversity across arthropod predators. PI: David DUNEAU & Lucie ZINGER (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • HUMMAL – Cascading effects of hummingbird malaria across multilayer ecological networks. PI:Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  • MITICK – Microbial community structures in French Guiana ticks: a multi-level study of their origin, diversity and drivers. PI: Olivier DURON (UMR MIVEGEC, Montpellier)
  • SOIL – Soil responses to drought and nutrients. PI: Clement STAHL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana) & Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • SOURCE – Seeking the sources of terrestrial biodiversity in French Guiana by enhancing the fossil record. PI: Pierre-Olivier ANTOINE (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • SVELTBUG – Mechanisms underlying the evolution of an exaggerated sex-specific trait. PI: Abderrahman KHILA (ENS, Lyon, France
Projects funded in 2015 (see the abstracts)
  • DILATE – Diversity of latex properties in French Guianan trees. PI: Yannick ESTEVEZ & Christopher BARALOTO (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • ERH – Parasites, disease and the global spread of cane toads: how do parasites impact amphibian health and biological invasions? PI: Crystal GRAHAM (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama)
  • FUN-BROM – Are bromeliad roots absorptive? A Preliminary study on fungal association in bromeliads. PI: Céline LEROY (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • GUEPES – The Guianese evolutionary project on economics for social insects. PI: Seirian SUMNER (University of Bristol, UK)
  • LEAFMINE – Is ecological speciation a major driver of diversification in tropical leaf‐mining insects? PI: Jérôme MURIENNE & Carlos LOPEZ -VAAMONDE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • ORGY – Sound of orgy: the acoustics of Amazonian explosive breeding amphibians. PI Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • PRIMEWEB – Predicting the spread of infectious mycobacteria communities among French Guiana food web. PI: Rodolphe GOZLAN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
  • TATU2 – Integrating state-of-the-art genomic and morphological tools to disentangle the biogeography of the long-nosed armadillo species complex (genus Dasypus). PI: Frédéric DELSUC (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • TIGERAMAZON – Risk assessment of the emergence of zoonotic viruses as a result of the invasion of Ae. albopictus in the Amazonian rainforest. PI: Christophe PAUPY (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
  • TROCSYMB – Diversity, distribution and host specificity of three model symbionts in hummingbirds. PI: Christophe THÉBAUD (EDB, Toulouse, France) & Javier PEREZ-TRIS (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  • UACEF – Undergrowth acoustic communication of “earless” frogs. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • WILT – Validating methods for quantifying the drought response of tropical  trees  and implications for modelling. PI: Isabelle MARÉCHAUX (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • WOODUSES – Traditional knowledge and technological properties of construction timbers in French Guiana: from old knowledge to new uses. PI: Jacques BEAUCHENE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
Projects funded in 2014 (see the abstracts)
  • ANTPEP – Ant nesting habits impact on venom peptide activities. PI: Alain DEJEAN (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • CAMO – Camouflage of conspicuous signals in the Dendrobatidae poison frogs. PI: Innes CUTHILL (University of Bristol, UK)
  • COMPAREBIRDS – Comparative analysis of physiology and parasitism of Neotropical birds. PI: Philipp HEEB (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • ECOGENHEL – Ecological genomics of species divergence in Heliconius butterflies. PI: Brian COUNTERMAN (Mississippi State University, USA)
  • HYDROSTAT – Hydraulics and sap of trees from the Amazonian tropics. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France) & Louis SANTIAGO (University College Riverside, USA)
  • IMMUNOPRIM – Adaptation at innate immune genes in primates: divergence and polymorphism in New World monkeys. PI: Emilie LECOMPTE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • MONISPEC – Monitoring incipient speciation of Drosophila in Amazonia. PI: Wolfgang J. MILLER (University of Vienna, Austria)
  • MUSTARD – Gene flow and riverine barriers in the Guiana Shield: a multitaxon test across the Oyapock river. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Luciano NAKA (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil)
  • PLASMODYNEVOL – The adaptive value of a novel marker of drug susceptibility in Amazonian Plasmodium falciparum parasites. PI: Stéphane PELLEAU & Lise MUSSET (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • PRONUT – Reconsidering protective ant‐plant mutualisms from a nutritional perspective. PI: Jérôme ORIVEL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • TATU – Integrating state‐of‐the‐art genomic and morphological tools to disentangle the biogeography of the long­‐nosed armadillo species complex (genus Dasypus). PI: Frédéric DELSUC (ISEM, Montpellier, France)
  • TRYPSHIELD – Evolutionary history of mammal‐trypanosome associations in the Guiana Shield. PI: Miguel PINTO (American Museum of Natural History, USA)
Projects funded in 2013 (see the abstracts)
  • AMAVAX – Polymorphism of P. vivax in two Amazonian areas and relation with the G6PD genotype of host populations. PI: Mathieu NACHER (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • AMAZING – Prevailing parasitic diseases in Amazonia: an integrated approach for the rationalisation of medicinal plant uses in French Guiana. PI: Emeline HOUËL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • BIOVIRO – Viral biodiversity in rodents communities in French Guiana. PI: Anne LAVERGNE (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • CANOPOR – Short term tropical forest canopy dynamics unveiled by airborne LiDAR scanning. PI: Grégoire VINCENT (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • CECRODIV – Species delimitation within the Neotropical genus Cecropia in French Guiana: integrating morphological and molecular techniques. PI: Patrick HEURET (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • DRAMA – Drought and mortality in Amazonian forests. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France) & Louis SANTIAGO (University College Riverside, USA)
  • ECOGEOCHIM – Ecological cycling and metal hyperaccumulation in plants of French Guiana. PI: Jérôme CHAVE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • EDEN – Aposematic polymorphism in the dyeing poison frog (Dendrobates tinctorius): a model vertebrate for the study of selection and speciation. PI: Antoine FOUQUET (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana) & Brice P. NOONAN (University of Mississippi, USA)
  • FRESH – Mega measure of freshwater biodiversity: implications in our understanding of infectious disease emergence. PI: Rodolphe GOZLAN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
  • FUNGROWTH – Seasonal variations in tree growth and functioning. PI: Damien BONAL (Silva, Nancy, France)
  • GENEVIL – A first genetic study of the RNA virus associated with Leishmania guyanensis and its role on clinical pleiomorphism of human leishmaniases in French Guiana. PI: Ghislaine PREVOT (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • MYCOWAC – Impact of fungal communities on the regeneration of a Guianese species Vouacapoua americana (Aublet). PI: Stéphane TRAISSAC (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • NEMAZON – Spatial and temporal patterns of species and genetic diversity of Amazonian Caenorhabditis nematodes. PI: Christian BRAENDLE (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France)
  • PEBAS – Do extant plants support past marine incursions in Amazonia? PI: Christine D. BACON (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • PPAR – Phthalate pollution in an Amazon rainforest. PI: Alain LENOIR (Université François Rabelais, Tours, France)
  • SCANDD – Species coexistence and negative density dependence in tropical rain forests. PI: C.E. Timothy PAINE (University of Stirling, UK)
  • TEKOBOTANY – Introduction to the Teko ethnobotany. PI: Damien DAVY (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • TROPINSPIRE – Tropical rainforest plants as concept generators for biomimetics research. PI: Nick ROWE (AMAP, Montpellier, France)
  • VARDIVERGE – Do patterns of phenotypic variation within species help explain divergence across species in morphology and performance in frogs? PI: Elodie COURTOIS (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • VECHAG – Biodiversity of the vectors of Chagas disease in French Guiana. PI: Jean-Pierre DUJARDIN (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France)
  • VISUALFACT – Is the visual fluorescence a relevant signal in the communication between Mimosa pudica and Ministrymon azia: an interspecific experimental study. PI: Christophe DUPLAIS (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • WORMBANK – DNA barcoding earthworms in biodiversity hot spots of French Guiana. PI: Virginie ROY (BIOEMCO, Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)
Projects funded in 2012 (see the abstracts)
  • ARTHROPODES – Biodiversity, biogeography and chemical ecology of Arthropods of French Guiana. PI: Jérôme MURIENNE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • CECROPIAE – Development of informatic tools (i) for taxonomic recognition and (ii) for entry of architectural data dedicated to the tribe of Cecropieae (Urticaceae). PI: Patrick HEURET (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • CHRYSOBALANACEAE – Transcriptomic in the service of the biogeography study of a family of Neotropical plants. PI: Jérôme CHAVE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • DEFIS – Delimitation of interfertile species and reconstruction of speciation scenarii. PI: Caroline SCOTTI-SAINTAGNE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • FUNGUY – Study of fungal diversity in French Guiana. PI: Mélanie ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • GESTE – Structuration and dynamic of the genomic diversity of ecologically contrasted species and populations. PI: Ivan SCOTTI (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • GUYA-E-MISSION – Methane and carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions from tropical forest as a function of biodiversity, land use and deforestation age: multi-site observations, regional modelling and management implications. PI: Lukas SIEBICKE (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • HISTOPLASMA – Infestation of bats by Histoplasma capsulatum in French Guiana. PI: Bernard CARME (EPAT, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • ONTOFUN – Does ontogeny influence species functional strategy across habitats and climate gradients in Amazonian forests? PI: Claire FORTUNEL (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)
  • PALICOUREA-CROCEA – Chemotaxonomy of the Palicourea crocea complex. PI: Guillaume ODONNE (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • POISSONS – Phylogenetic diversity of freshwater fish assemblies in French Guiana. PI: Sébastien BROSSE (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • PRIMATES – Evolutionnary genetic of Amazonian monkeys: diversification, adaptation and coevolution between Herpes virus and primates. PI: Brigitte CROAU-ROY (EDB, Toulouse, France)
  • SALMONELLES – Study of the domestic and peri-domestic transmission of Salmonellas in French Guiana, of their reservoirs and of their specific diversity. PI: Franck BERGER (IPG, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • TRACHYCEPHALUS – Evolution of chemical defences of amphibians: a case study of the genus Trachycephalus. PI: Philippe GAUCHER (LEEISA, Cayenne, French Guiana)
  • TRI-NUTRI – Tripartite associations and nutrition in plants. PI: Céline LEROY (ECOFOG, Kourou, French Guiana)