education & training
The CEBA conducts a collaborative effort to foster education and training programs in French Guiana, within the Université de Guyane. It offers the opportunity to network several Masters programs in the fields of evolutionary ecology, tropical forest ecology and plant biodiversity.
CEBA opens annual calls for doctoral research grants.
CEBA offers post-doctoral positions for research associates supervised by CEBA members as part of the core research activities.
CEBA funds and organises thematic schools on important aspects of biodiversity in French Guiana.
As part of these actions, the physical presence of the students or research associates in French Guiana is strongly encouraged.

PhD thesis funded or co-funded by CEBA:
- 2020
Predicting tree species vulnerability to climate change in the tropical forest of French Guiana using joint species distribution models. PhD thesis of Jeanne Clément
Molecular convergence and genome-scale species delimitation in xenarthrans of French Guiana. PhD thesis of Mathilde Barthe
Démêler les effets de l’habitat et des changements climatiques sur les interactions biotiques et les fonctions écologiques associées dans les écosystèmes Néotropicaux. PhD thesis of Tristan Lafont-Rapnouilt
- 2019
Role of intra-sepcific variability in the coexistence of species in tropical forests. PhD thesis of Camille Girard-Tercieux
Diversity of space exploration strategies of climbing plants from tropical rainforest: towards a biomimetic approach in soft robotics. PhD thesis of Tom Hattermann
Comment la biodiversité influence-t-elle la réponse des forêts tropicales aux changements climatiques et aux perturbations anthropiques? PhD thesis of Daniela Krebber
Influences des facteurs environnementaux et des interactions biotiques sur l’origine de la diversification des vertébrés néotropicaux: approche macroévolutive et multi-clades. PhD thesis of Nathan Mazet
- 2016
Endosymbiotic communities in natural populations of ticks : origin, diversity and structure – PhD thesis of Florian BINETRUY
Origins and formations of French Guiana dark earths : anthracological approach – PhD thesis of Stéphanie BODIN
Quantification of the assemblage rules of freshwater fish species of Guiana in an increasing anthropisation context : environmental metabarcoding, taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic beta-diversities – PhD thesis of Isabel CANTERA
Biodiversity of freshwater invertebrates in French Guiana – PhD thesis of Axel CERDAN
Plasticity of functioning and hydraulic architecture of trees toward drought : case study in Guianese tropical rainforest – PhD thesis of Sébastien LEVIONNOIS
Chemical diversity and antiviral potential of tropical Euphorbiaceae – PhD thesis of Simon RÉMY
- 2015
Integrative biogeography in Neotropics : a multiscale approach in Opilions – PhD thesis of Sébastien CALLY
Biodiversity trajectories in exploited tropical forest – PhD thesis of Ariane MIRABEL
Novel strategy for the natural products prioritization using multi-informative molecular networks – PhD thesis of Florent OLIVON
Which future for production forests in Amazonia ? From carbon balance of forest exploitation to trade-offs between ecosystemic services – PhD thesis of Camille PIPONIOT-LAROCHE
- 2014
Diversity and assembly processes of guyanese freshwater fish assemblages – PhD thesis of Kevin CILLEROS
Disentangling drivers of Amazonian ant community structure across geographic and environmental gradients – PhD thesis of Mélanie FICHAUX
Undetermined title – PhD thesis of Romain GASPARD
Undetermined title – PhD thesis of Noëllie GAY
Anatomical diversity and efficiency of tension wood of trees from tropical rainforest – PhD thesis of Barbara GHISLAIN
- 2013
Bacterial microbiota of ant’s cuticle in French Guiana : antibiotic activities and community ecology – PhD thesis of Caroline BIRER
Species identification and genetic structure of Hylesia populations responsible for lepidopterism in French Guiana and in Venezuela – PhD thesis of Marina CIMINERA
Bio- and chimiodiversity of leaf endophytic microorganisms – PhD thesis of Yannick EVENO
Biodiversity and infectious diseases : impact of human activities on the sylvatic transmission cycle of leishmaniases in French Guiana – PhD thesis of Arthur KOCHER
Analysis and modeling of the influence of host and vector species biodiversity on transmission of Chagas disease in French Guiana – PhD thesis of Guillaume ROBALDO
Diversification in the Guiana Shield as seen through frogs – PhD thesis of Jean-Pierre VACHER
- 2012
Tree communities’ assembly at local spatial scale in tropical forest : Insight of an integrative approach – PhD thesis of Élodie ALLIÉ
Potential of Bagassa guianensis and Cordia alliodora for planting under the tropics : description of an optimal growth strategy mixing high growth rate and good wood quality – PhD thesis of Julie BOSSU
Impacts of environmental changes on the neotropical biodiversity : structural and functional responses of faunal food webs of tank bromeliads – PhD thesis of Olivier DÉZERALD
Spatial distribution patterns of fungal communities : case of fungal communities of forest ecosystem of French Guiana – PhD thesis of Audrey SAGNE
Effects of land-use changes in the functional diversity of ants and their participation in ecosystem functions – PhD thesis of Alex SALAS-LOPEZ
Response of bats to environments : viral diversity and adaptation potential – PhD thesis of Arielle SALMIER
Ecological genetic and genomic of divergences events of species complexes in tropical rain forest – PhD thesis of Alexandra TINAUT
Thematic schools labeled CEBA:
- 2019
Amazonian historical ecology – 21-27 August 2019 – Yasuni, Ecuador
- 2018
Ant course – 22 August-1 September 2018 – Nouragues station, French Guiana
DNA metabarcoding – 4-11 October 2018 – Nouragues station, French Guiana
- 2017
Remote sensing for tropical biodiversity mapping and management across scales – 25-29 September 2017 – Kourou, French Guiana
- 2016
Functional ecology of tropical rainforests in the context of climate change: from real observations to simulations – 21-25 March 2016 – Kourou, French Guiana
- 2014
Advanced methods and applications in ecology, evolution and control of infectious diseases (CEBA-EECID) with a focus on Neotropical infections – 17-21 November 2014 – Merida, Mexico
- 2013
Advanced methods in Neotropical biogeography: focus on the Guiana Shield – 10-12 October 2013 – Kourou, French Guiana