Labex CEBA – Centre d’étude de la biodiversité amazonienne

In French Guiana, the Laboratoire of excellence CEBA (Center for the study of biodiversity in Amazonia) seeks to understand why so many organisms are present in tropical ecosystems. The LabEx brings together a network of internationally-recognized French research teams, contributes to university education, and encourages scientific collaboration with South American countries.
Amazonia is a huge territory that has not finished revealing all its mysteries. Our science is varied: health, coastline, fauna, flora and human sciences. In all, more than 150 researchers from 13 different laboratories spread across French Guana, the french Antilles and France are working within the CEBA, looking towards the Amazon.
2023 Annual Call for Proposals
The CEBA launched 2015 annual call for proposals
Last News
2023 Annual Call for Proposals
Each year, the LabEx CEBA supports several innovative research projects. We are pleased to announce that CEBA’s 2023 Annual Call for Proposals is now open
Ecuador, 6 foreign nationalities and 23 participants… The International Summer School ‘Historical Ecology in Amazonia’ !
The first edition of the International Summer School ‘Historical Ecology in Amazonia’ took place from 19 to 27 August 2019 in the Yasuni research station
The CEBA launched 2015 annual call for proposals
Each year, the Labex CEBA opens an annual competitive call for proposals to encourage innovative research on biodiversity in French Guiana. The annual call for
Five minutes to present your thesis or your postdoc
Summarize your doctoral or post-doctoral studies in five minutes: the CEBA launched this challenge during the last annual meeting on October 2013. The aim? Highlight
Anib@rosa project : launching of the website
The Anib@rosa project has launched its website. You can visit the page to know more about the project and follow the news : NB : for
2022 Annual Call for Proposals between “science & society”
Each year, the LabEx CEBA supports several innovative research projects. The 2022 Annual Call for Proposals between science and society is now is now open
Behaviour of terrestrial ecosystems is governed by only three main factors
Ecosystems provide multiple services for humans. However, these services depend on basic ecosystem functions which are shaped both by natural conditions like climate and species
Last Publications
World forests, global change, and emerging pests and pathogens
World forests, global change, and emerging pests and pathogens Jean-François Guégan, Benoit de Thoisy, Mireia Gomez-Gallego, Hervé Jactel Science Direct 2023
Declines in prevalence alter the optimal level of sexual investment for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
Declines in prevalence alter the optimal level of sexual investment for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum Angela M Early, Flavia Camponovo, Stéphane Pelleau, Gustavo C Cerqueira, Yassamine Lazrek, Béatrice Volney, Manuela Carrasquilla, Benoît de Thoisy, Caroline O Buckee, Lauren M Childs, Lise Musset, Daniel E Neafsey Pubmed 2022
Environmental DNA reveals a mismatch between diversity facets of Amazonian fishes in response to contrasting geographical, environmental and anthropogenic effects
Environmental DNA reveals a mismatch between diversity facets of Amazonian fishes in response to contrasting geographical, environmental and anthropogenic effects Opale Coutant, Céline Jézéquel, Karel Mokany, Isabel Cantera, Raphaël Covain, Alice Valentini, Tony Dejean, Sébastien Brosse, Jérôme Murienne Global Change Biology 2022
The number of tree species on Earth
The number of tree species on Earth Gatti RC, Reich PB, Gamarra JGP, Crowther T, Hui C, Morera A, Bastin JF, de-Miguel S, Nabuurs GJ, Svenning JC, Serra-Diaz JM, Merow C, Enquist B, Kamenetsky M, Lee J, Zhu J, Fang J, Jacobs DF, Pijanowski B, Banerjee A, Giaquinto RA, Alberti G, Zambrano AMA, Alvarez-Davila E, Araujo-Murakami A, Avitabile V, Aymard GA, Balazy R, Baraloto C, Barroso JG, Bastian ML, Birnbaum P, Bitariho R, Bogaert J, Bongers F, Bouriaud O, Brancalion PHS, Brearley FQ, Broadbent EN, Bussotti F, da Silva WC, César RG, Češljar G, Moscoso VC, Chen HYH, Cienciala E, Clark CJ, Coomes DA, Dayanandan S, Decuyper M, Dee LE, Del Aguila Pasquel J, Derroire G, Djuikouo MNK, van Do T, Dolezal J, Đorđevic I, Engel J, Fayle TM, Feldpausch TR, Fridman JK, Harris DJ, Hemp A, Hengeveld G, Herault B, Herold M, Ibanez T, Jagodzinski AM, Jaroszewicz B, Jeffery KJ, Johannsen VK, Jucker T, Kangur A, Karminov VN, Kartawinata K, Kennard DK, Kepfer-Rojas S, Keppel G, Khan ML, Khare PK, Kileen TJ, Kim HS, Korjus H, Kumar A, Kumar A, Laarmann D, Labrière N, Lang M, Lewis SL, Lukina N, Maitner BS, Malhi Y, Marshall AR, Martynenko O V., Monteagudo Mendoza AL, Ontikov P V., Ortiz-Malavasi E, Pallqui Camacho NC, Paquette A, Park M, Parthasarathy N, Peri PL, Petronelli P, Pfautsch S, Phillips OL, Picard N, Piotto D, Poorter L, Poulsen JR, Pretzsch H, Ramírez-Angulo H, Correa ZR, Rodeghiero M, Del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles R, Rolim SG, Rovero F, Rutishauser E, Saikia P, Salas-Eljatib C, Schepaschenko D, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Šebeň V, Silveira M, Slik F, Sonké B, Souza AF, Stereńczak KJ, Svoboda M, Taedoumg H, Tchebakova N, Terborgh J, Tikhonova E, Torres-Lezama A, van der Plas F, Vásquez R, Viana H, Vibrans AC, Vilanova E, Vos VA, Wang HF, Westerlund B, White LJT, Wiser SK, Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T, Zemagho L, Zhu ZX, Zo-Bi IC, Liang J Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022